We bring together early stage investigators in Boston to promote cross-disciplinary clinical and translational research focused on the application of aging principles to improve clinical outcomes.
Short-term: Produce successful K-award recipients through 1) Peer review and mentoring, 2) Inter-institutional collaboration and 3) building a network of early stage investigators involved in aging research
Long-term: Create a pipeline of R-funded investigators and future leaders in aging research.
Co-Directors of ARIES:

Kei Ouchi, MD, MPH
- Emergency Physician and Home Hospital Physician, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
- Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Ariela Orkaby, MD, MPH
- Director of Pepper Seminars in Geriatrics and Frailty
- Geriatrician, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, VA Boston Healthcare System
- Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Junior Co-Leaders:

Sandra Shi, MD
- Geriatrician and Research Fellow
- Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Marcus Institute for Aging Research

Clark DuMontier, MD
- Geriatrician and Research Fellow
- Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Marcus Institute for Aging Research
Collaborative Activities
By leveraging the existing resources of the Boston Pepper Center, Boston area medical schools, Veterans Affair hospitals, and Institute for Aging Research, we organize regular working group meetings for ES investigators (pre-K award) to engage in peer-mentorship and receive career development guidance from their peers, as well as mid-career and senior aging investigators in the Boston area. We organize seminars and mock study sections to prepare our investigators for successful grant submissions. Our goal is to demonstrate success by tracking our group productivity (e.g., grant submissions, publications, invited presentations, etc.) to showcase the Pepper Center’s commitment to foster ES investigators. Through peer mentorship and support, we invite new investigators in the Boston area to the field of aging research, from all specialties of medicine.
If interested, please contact Sandra Shi for more information: sandrashi@hsl.harvard.edu
We will try to accommodate all review requests, reviewing two grants/proposals each month. Please plan for a minimum of 6 weeks between a request and the desired review date to allow time to secure reviewers. If a review is needed sooner, then the ARIES leadership will consider reviewing without senior reviewers provided there is sufficient time.

- Ouchi K, Bhasin S, Orkaby AR. Aging researchers in early stages (ARIES): a model for career development collaboration of researchers in aging. Qual Ageing Older Adults. 2021 Oct 11;22(2):75-80. doi: 10.1108/qaoa-01-2021-0012. Epub 2021 Mar 22. PMID: 34659740; PMCID: PMC8513523.