Medical Graphics Corporation Ultima Cardio2 Gas Exchange and ECG Analysis System. This state-of-the-art, fully automated metabolic measurement system is integrated with a Mortara 12-lead electrocardiograph. The system is capable of assessing gas exchange breath-by-breath for measurement of aerobic capacity (), the gas exchange lactate threshold, work efficiency, endurance, total work and the electrocardiogram.

ViaSprint electrically braked cycle ergometer with 1000 watt work rate capability. This cycle ergometer may be controlled by the Ultima Cardio2 computer in order to provide standardized ramp work rate protocols using small work rate increments (e.g., 0.08 to 1.7 watts per second).

Keiser 420 pneumatic resistance leg press and chest press machines with a computer interface that allows precise measurement and recording of muscle strength, power, fatigability, and contraction velocity. These instruments are used to accurately measure voluntary muscle strength, power, and fatigability.

Keiser 300 pneumatic resistance leg extension and leg curl machines are stationed in the laboratory for added measurements of muscle strength and fatigability of the quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups.

A dumbbell rack with dumbbells of assorted weights for strength and endurance measurements of smaller muscle groups, e.g., biceps, triceps, deltoids.

BTS Bioengineering Electromyograph. This instrument measures the integrated EMG (iEMG) with wireless surface electrode probes for muscle contraction amplitude at varying loads. During total work tests, an analysis of the power spectrum allows quantification of fatigue and total work.

Switch mats, photocells and electronic digital timers accurately measure speed during of physical function assessments such as stair climbing, gait speed and load carries.